Introducing Bobby McGee
After his walk and getting those strange smiles and cheerful greetings, Bobby McGee went back home and grabbed his leather bag and made sure his car keys were in it. He drove for about 40 minutes before he decided to go somewhere. He stepped out his car and found himself walking towards the house of someone he would have never thought of. He had never really cared about the way he looked but this time he tried to fix his hair a little and tuck his t-shirt in. He had lost a few pounds but still hid his stomach a little bit. His face wasn't showing what he felt inside though. His hands were seating but his smile was bright and shiny. He had always had a thing for whiter than white teeth and he used that to hide what he really felt – anger. Most of the times he would do that but not now. It was different. He was actually smiling for a different reason.
He opened his old leather bag and checked his keys for the second time and reached out for his nasty cellphone to check the time although he had a pink gold watch on his right wrist. He never appeared to be the man he really was. Among the things in the bag, he found his forgotten iPod and felt like listening to music but he was about to ring the bell so he didn't see the point of it. He then realized the iPod had no battery anyway.
Everything Is Better In Silviami
He woke up to this gorgeous sunrise with a silly smile upon his face. He didn't know what he was smiling for. He only knew how much joy he felt that came from his insides. He had hardly felt that way before and he knew he was not in the same place he wakes up morning. Although it looked the same, it certainly didn't feel the same. It was better, much more pleasant. The bed felt softer, the air was fresher, even the floor was less cold. He opened the shutters and then the windows and he realized he was in fact in a different place. He knew something had changed but he still wasn't sure what exactly.
The moment he opened the windows a cotton candy smell inundated the room. It wasn't too heavy, it was just the perfect smell to make him feel energized and look forward to the rest of his day. He floated to the kitchen to have a little breakfast. All the fruit he had in the fridge were strawberries, apples and peaches. He took a small portion of each one and they tasted sweeter than usual and were juicier as well. He still didn't know what had happened. He put some clothes on and felt irresistibly good looking, and left the house. He decided to walk that day. Everybody in the streets was giving away smiles and cheerful greetings. The atmosphere was definitely amazing. He suddenly realized that Everything Is Better In Silviami…
I Was Never Looking For Approval From Anyone But You
I am more than honored to be standing here in front of you today, probably the most important day in our lives. It is mine and I wish it is yours as well.
My name is Silvio Plaza and, six years ago, I entered the same doors you entered with a backpack, a goal, and a dream. My backpack was filled with the knowledge I had gained at high school, the goal to succeed, and the dream to be the best. I was certainly not the best but I am sure the happiest for having fulfilled the goal.
I, like you, have suffered the same frustration, anger, and even disillusion when something didn’t turn out the way it was expected. I’ve been pushed to breaking point and almost quit. But that is just the passion, the ecstasy of our electric youth. Every time that happened I would calm myself down and think that someday it will be worth it. Well it is worth it, and I’m sure all of you think the same way; otherwise you wouldn’t be sitting here tonight. It is, as a matter of fact, worth it. I once read a phrase that said, “if it doesn’t hurt it’s not working”. It sure hurt and it will sure work.
I am going to be honest. This University was not my first choice. It was not my dream to come here either. I did not plan it but I learnt how to embrace it make the best out of it. It does not matter that I did not plan it, it matters that I came, I stayed, and I damn rocked it. I’m sure this unexpected scenario will be repeated several times in our lives. Unexpected jobs, unexpected kids, unexpected marriages, etc. It does not matter what you plan to have but what life gives you. It is up to you to try the hardest and obtain the best results.
This country sees the birth of thousands of new professionals every year, ready to go out there and face the sharks. We are graduates of one of the top universities in Ecuador; we cannot afford to be less than perfect. Let us be the sharks! Let us be the ones they’re afraid of! Let us be the best!
Never ask what is it that he/she has that you don’t, ask instead, what is it that YOU have that nobody else does. That will set you apart. Expect nothing from anyone. You are the one that is going to make it or break it. You own your future, your destiny…
Let us not forget Steve Jobs’ words “stay hungry, stay foolish”. Let’s sharpen those teeth and let’s eat some weak fish! Stay hungry!
Congratulations class of 2012, WE DID IT!!!
Editor's note: This was one of my Composition's exercises - to write a speech. I chose to write a speech as if I was going to deliver it in my graduation's day. Of course that will never happen. The odds of me delivering the graduation's speech are the same as me walking a Galliano runway in drag. Besides, graduation's speeches are delivered in Spanish and God knows I cannot utter a word in Spanish.
To Lee, With Love, Nick
‘This film is my way of speaking about a very unique and important person who changed my life. My desire was to speak in some way about the dark and the light contained within Lee, and within us all.’
Knick Knight.
It kind of reminds me of that Kate Moss hologram featured at the end of the Designer's AW06 runway show. Which was, pretty much, the main reason fashion started to interest me at all. I cried. I cried because I knew that something that spectacular couldn't be just casual. It was a sign from heaven.
We will always love and miss you Lee.
F**kin' Perfect
Pink has always managed to give me the chills when it comes to having the perfect song for pretty much every single episode of my life. This time, she does not fail to give me (us) a little inspiration and joy.
Pink if you ever read this: YOU ARE THE BEST! The end.
Pd: click here, listen to F**kin' Perfect and watch the Raise Your Glass video all in one... :)
Nothing screams celebrity more than the perfect track list that makes the perfect setlist... Forget the perfect boyfriend, everybody knows it's the rebound they'll remember.
Listen to the best mixtape ever made, and decide to LOVE instead...
Here's yet another fantastical collaboration among Kate Moss, film maker Baillie Walsh (same guy who did the hologram of Kate Moss for the Spring Summer 2006 runway for McQueen. Sigh.), and Swarovski. It is a 3D short film that features one of the most iconic faces of the century throwing Swarovski crystals all over. To watch the video go to AnOther web page and enjoy. Remember it's in 3D so you must use such ridiculous glasses to really appreciate the art piece.
The film was supposed to be shown in the London Fashion Week opening, but since I live in Guayaquil not London, the Internet is all I get!
- S
September is the JANUARY in fashion...
So I first intended it to be a September Issues post but I fell oh-so in love with the eight (yes, EIGHT!) covers LOVE magazine has to offer for us.
Take a look. Enjoy,
I think it's a bit redundant to say that my favorite one is the one featuring Agyness, but I do have 2 more comments... Rosie and Sienna's cover are flawless. The styling might be the same old thing, and the poses and all but thumbs up because they're perfectly executed. That Sienna pose is done flawlessly (and this comes from the guy who can probably win the Best Poser Award). All I can say is, UGH!!
xo Silvio
Artificially Sweet
I went out with my two big boys this last Saturday because we were supposedly having "coffee"... Like any of us actually drink that! Anyways, I decided to buy my guys some lollipops to put a smile on their sad, little, made-up faces. Was I successful? You be the judge...
Aren't we cute? :) :)

I'm a black/hindi alien... I know!
Ok is everybody as obsessed with my baby's nails or what? Besides the fact that she's going to spend some time in jail, she managed to create a whole bunch of side-scandals (like any other chaotic would do - congratulations!), and this time she has the most lovely manicure ever!! Even I would consider doing my nails like hers haha no, but really she does look great. Have a look!
Forget the fact that she does write like a very disturbed person (reads, serial killer), doesn't she have like the most perfect handwriting ever? And isn't that "fuck u" the most adorable insult ever? Seriously I couldn't be more in love with her now.
YELLOW is the color!
SOOOO! I found myself in a spontaneous hair product shopping spree the other day, and I fell in love with this lovely sales woman from the store and in our heated hair chat she started giving me advice on products I should try to make my have look even more gorgeous. At first I thought it was just a sales strategy to convince me to buy a "professional" product when I obviously don't have a credential to prove that I'm actually a professional in the beauty department, but the episode was the following.. She spotted me comparing my all-time favorite John Frieda Collection Straight Ahead shampoo and conditioner with this brand a cousin of mine have recommended me, VITANE for aged and damaged hair. She then started convincing me that I didn't need such thing because I had a shiny, healthy looking hair and to continue using my usual products. The chat expanded to a good 20 minutes and then after noticing my broad knowledge she grabbed my hand and walked me to the forbidden zone, the dream land... The professional wing, that is. Oh God I Saw Heaven! I could not believe myself and I was oh so thrilled to be admitted in such sacred place, where only the fabulously fabulous can enter.
To make a very long story short, I ended up buying some amazing Yellow products that are not even publicly displayed, but since apparently I look like a hair dresser I could access them and I'd say few if I told you I am absolutely in love with them. I have truly found love. Sigh.
ps. I'm visiting the tranny that does my hair today and I'm sure she's going to congratulate me for the good job I've done with my hair. If only she knew...
ps 2. I'm so very sorry I can't share the exact name of the products I bought, I don't want random people walking with flawless hair in the streets without me being acknowledged for (monetary acknowledgement, that is).
a piece of LOHAN cake!
As it should be of worldwide knowledge, we are celebrating LINDSAY LOHAN's international day TODAY! That's right... Fabulous and chaotic Lindsay turns 24 and I couldn't be happier. So, I decided to take a day off and enjoy the great day. Go ahead and do the same, or else (like I cared).
Just a peak of the photo shoot Lindsay Lohan did for Tyler Shields. I love my baby, she looks beyond stunning. For more of the shoot and the overall work Tyler Shields does go to tylershields.com and to see the behind the scenes visit hollywood.tv
Until then... You know you'll always love me!
What if I told you I hate my life? What if I told you I hate me?... Well, I won't. So don't pop the bubbly just yet.
The thing I do hate, however, is the fact that even though I love my life, I know I'm not loving it as much as I could. Reading through various blogs I found out that La Prairie was offering a PR Internship position, and if you have the tiniest interest on me you should know I would give my right arm for a position in a cosmetics company. Now imagine The one and only legendary La Prairie, it's not rare to say I would give my two arms and legs.
Lancome offered a position as well. And where am I at? Stuck in the Third World, studying something I don't even know anything about and pretending my everyday smile is actually happiness and not disappointment in disguise.
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