
Artificially Sweet

I went out with my two big boys this last Saturday because we were supposedly having "coffee"... Like any of us actually drink that! Anyways, I decided to buy my guys some lollipops to put a smile on their sad, little, made-up faces. Was I successful? You be the judge...

Aren't we cute? :) :)

I'm a black/hindi alien... I know!



Ricardo Valenzuela said...

eddie se llevo el que parece consolador y no lo chupo para que llegue completo a casa

Gianni Chavez said...

Silvio your face is just Hilarious!! que chiste hasta yo disfrute de las paletas!

Gianni Chavez said...
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Gianni Chavez said...
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Gianni Chavez said...
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baby jisas said...

Gosh a quien censuraste tantas veces?? Donde tienes tu hardcandy??